While I might not have produced as much studio work in 2015 that I'd hoped to, I'm confident I spent my energy in all the right places. In addition to taking some fabulous art classes and workshops (more on that in a separate post), I participated in some truly amazing community-based art projects, locally and globally, thanks to the power of social media and the Internet. When I look back on it all, the icing on the cake was making new friends and meeting some of my art idols along the way - pinch me!
The Keepsake Project -- December
What an honor it is to say that my daughter's quilted yellow jacket was included in Lisa Solomon's The Keepsake Project. For her residency program at Irving Street Projects in San Francisco, Lisa invited the public to share items of special or sentimental meaning. She wanted to get to know the stories behind the keepsakes and create a collection of original mixed-media paintings based on photographs she took of the items. She and Kelly Inouye, artist and owner of Irving Street Projects, hosted a reception in early December to showcase Lisa's prolific body of work.
I invite you to learn more about my keepsake and how Lisa brought it to life through a beautiful mixed-media painting -- just visit my Community Art The Keepsake Project gallery page. Thank you for everything Lisa + Kelly!
CHROMA Installation -- July
CHROMA Installation was the brainchild of renowned artists Lisa Solomon and Christine Buckton Tillman that explored color theory through everyday objects. Lisa and Christine invited people to contribute small-ish items for what would become a massive, eye-popping installation at Gallery CA in Baltimore, MD. Below is a snapshot of my contribution, but to get a better sense of the magnitude and brilliance of the project, please visit the following CHROMA links (you'll be happy you did!): tumblr, instagram, Lisa's portfolio, Christine's portfolio, and BmoreArt's "Life in Color" article. Thank you Lisa and Christine!
#STRIKEAWAY Show -- May + June
I hopped, skipped, and jumped at the chance to transform matchbooks into art for the amazing #STRIKEAWAY Show, curated by artists/authors Courtney Cerruti and Alicia Dornadic. You could say this project was 'right up my alley'-ha!) My "Strikeaway Lanes" and "Floral Brooch" were shown at Paxton Gate Kids in San Francisco, CA 5/22-6/30 alongside nearly 450 other pieces from 225 artists from the globe. Click here to view the making of my pieces. To learn more about the show click here. To see other pieces, check out the show's instagram feed. Thank you Courtney and Alicia!
Feb 2015 #creativeUNblock
As a longtime fan of Danielle and her blog, The Jealous Curator, I could't pass up the opportunity to participate in one of her #creativeUNblock art challenges (a year-long, monthly series based on interviews with artists in her top-selling book, Creative Block). I chose February's challenge inspired by Portland-based artist Kate Bingaman-Burt and spent the month cataloging my medicine cabinet using a set of retro Nifty cards from a dear aunt with colored pencils and ink. Click here to view all my cards. Thank you Danielle and Kate!
The Sketchbook Project -- January
I loved it back in 2011 so much so that I joined The Sketchbook Project's 2015 Tour and chose "Pushers" for my challenge. Being a part of a larger movement with artists from around the world is what made this project truly special. Click here to view the sketchbook.